Egg Emote Bundle
Since Etsy doesn't like this bundle, I'm selling it here on Fourthwall.
This is a bundle of 13 Egg emotes and 2 variations made for Twitch, Discord and YouTube! Perfect if you're looking for an egg Character to represent your brand in chat!
Give your subscribers, followers, and Discord members crisp, clean, fun emotes to use.
Emotes are named as: BUTT, COZY, GASM, HYPE, LOVE, LURK, LURK_word, MAD, RIP, RIP_word, SAD, SCARED, SHY, WAVE, WOW
Emotes come in sizes 448 x 448 for sticker printing, 112x112, 56x56, 48x48, 28x28.
**PLEASE DO NOT SHARE ON BTTV. you can use them for your own BTTV use, but don't make them shareable. Thank you**
**PLEASE NOTE:** BUTT and GASM might break TOS for Twitch and YouTube - use at your own risk.
**Please do not resale those items for any purposes. You may use them in monetized videos.**
If you have any questions please send me an email at 8bitval@gmail.com